Meet Our Team

Owner and massage therapist with over 15 years of experience. She completed her training at Flint School of Therapeutic Massage in 2006 as a Certified Massage Therapist. Since then, she has become state licensed and certified in many other modalities such as Advanced Medical Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, Myofascial Release, Spa Therapies, and Ear Candling. She continued her education at Baker College to obtain her Physical Therapist Assistant degree in 2015 and her bachelor’s degree of science in 2020. She recently became a Certified Medical Exercise Specialist early in 2021, to help clients with chronic medical conditions achieve their goals of a healthier lifestyle. She recently completed her 5th year at SVSU and was accepted in the Doctoral program for Physical Therapy. Jennifer enjoys combining massage and exercise principles to not only relieve deep trigger points but to reprogram the muscles and facilitate healing. She delivers a unique therapeutic massage that combines many techniques including: muscle energy techniques, active movement massage, trigger point therapy and myofascial release modalities to stretch and rehabilitate muscle tissue.

Born and raised in Harbor Beach, Michigan. In 2016, she attended Lakewood School of Therapeutic Massage in Port Huron, Michigan and earned a certification and license from the state of Michigan for Massage Therapy. She earned additional certifications in Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage, Myofascial Release I & II, Carpal Tunnel, Polarity Therapy, Reiki I & II, and Holistic Healing.

A recent graduate of Lakewood School of Therapeutic Massage in Port Huron, MI. She has a thriving interest in helping people with relieving their everyday stress by giving a relaxing, therapeutic massage. She is passionate about helping clients achieve a healthier lifestyle through the benefits of massage. Whether you desire a deeply indulgent massage for relation or work on long-term injuries and trauma she will be able to meet you where you are at on your path of feeling better. She is certified in Swedish, therapeutic massage, hot stone, craniosacral, and hydrotherapies.